Student Debt Forgiveness Network
School Loans can be overwhelming, that's why we are here to help!
Public Service Student Loan Forgiveness Program

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLF) is the most accessible of all the Federal loan forgiveness programs, which means you may qualify! The PSLF program was created in 2007 by Congress however, most people are unaware of the forgiveness programs available to them. This includes complete Federal Student Loan Forgiveness once you’ve made 10 years (120) monthly payments on towards your debt. That benefit is available to you as of 2016, no matter how much you owe, and no matter how much you’ve actually paid which means you could qualify!

Who qualifies?
- Government Employees (State, Federal, Local, etc.)
- Non-Profit Organizations, including all 501(c)(3) Organizations
- Teachers (at public schools)
- Military personnel (all branches, including Reservists)
- Emergency management personnel (FEMA, etc.)
- Public safety and law enforcement personnel (Police, Firefighters, Park Rangers, etc.)
- Public health services workers (Doctors, Nurses, Medical Records people, etc.)
- Public interest law services (Lawyers, Attorneys, Paralegals, etc.)
- Public interest law services (Lawyers, Attorneys, Paralegals, etc.)
- Early childhood education workers (Daycare and Preschool teachers, etc.)
- Public service workers for individuals with disabilities (Social Workers, Speech Therapists, Psychologists, Counselors, etc.)
- Public service workers for the elderly (Home Health Aids, Nursing Home Personnel, etc.)
- Public service volunteers (Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, etc.)
Government Employees
State, Federal, Local, etc.
Non-Profit Organizations
Including all 501(c)(3) Organizations
At public schools
Military personnel
All branches, including Reservists
Emergency management personnel
FEMA, etc.
Public safety and law enforcement personnel
Police, Firefighters, Park Rangers, etc.
Public health services workers
Doctors, Nurses, Medical Records people, etc.
Public interest law services
Lawyers, Attorneys, Paralegals, etc.
Early childhood education workers
Daycare and Preschool teachers, etc.
Public service workers for individuals with disabilities
Social Workers, Speech Therapists, Psychologists, Counselors, etc.
Public service workers for the elderly
Home Health Aids, Nursing Home Personnel, etc.
Public service volunteers
Peace Corps, AmeriCorps, etc.
Teacher Loan Forgiveness Programs
- Stafford Loan Forgiveness for Teachers
- Teaching who complete full-time positions for five consecutive years in low-income schools may be eligible to have a portion of their student loans cancelled.
- Eligibility is limited to FFEL Stafford Loans, Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans, and some Consolidation Loans.
- The Stafford Student Loan Forgiveness Program exists to encourage highly qualified individuals to become teachers in impoverished areas serving low-income families, so that those families have access to higher quality education resources than they would otherwise be able to find.
Who qualifies?
- Works as a Nurse (via PSLF & the Nurse Corps Loan Forgiveness Program)
- Works as a Teacher (via PSLF, Federal TEACH Grants, Perkins & Stafford Loan Forgiveness)
- Works for the Government (via the Federal Employee Loan Forgiveness Program)
- Works at a Non-Profit (via the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program)
- Serves in the Military (via a suite of Military Student Loan Forgiveness Programs)
- Serves in the Peace Corps or AmeriCorps (via the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program)
- Is permanently disabled (via the Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Program)
- Holds debt from a school that closed before they could finish (via the Closed School Discharge)
How We Can Help?
In 2016, the average college graduate will leave school with more debt than ever before, making student loan debt more important than it’s ever been, especially considering the fact that many graduates will be unable to find jobs with salaries high enough to cover their monthly loan payments.
We’re here to help!
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